
Hello Class,

I'm excited to have the opportunity to close out your multi media education. During the 16 weeks of class we'll cover advanced topics such as setting up a working environment and writing code for applications, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), and Info Architecture (IA) best practices, and using the Flex framework to build Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). This blog will be used to post useful articles and resources, additional reading, and homework assignments. I'll announce homework at the end of each class and post the assignment here after class.Please send homework to the email I supplied in class and give the following subject line: MM3 HW#N where n is the week number.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Your mid-term projects

As promised, I've created this post for all of us to add interesting sites that can act as examples for the midterm.  Homework this week is to come in with a project idea.  You'll have to present this idea to the class and then we'll discuss how to actually execute the idea.

I'm letting you choose the assignment so that you end up doing something that you are interested in and hopefully get you further invested in learning actionscript.

Remember, you have a total of three weeks to complete this assignment.  It's a reasonable amount of time to come up with something good.


  1. OpenProcessing.org These projects aren't made with flash, but it does show some interesting coding projects.

  2. Also, Donna posted this link: http://www.actionscriptmoron.com/
    and even though I don't love the name of the site ;) it does have some good examples. You could think of this as a receipt book for doing neato things.

  3. if you're interested in making a game I'd take a look at this:
    Do some of the beginner tutorials during this week. Found at this link:

  4. The previous link uses a frame work for building games. If that seems like more work then you want to get into check out this link: http://www.emanueleferonato.com there are a ton of great tutorials and source code for existing games.
